Setpoint has always been able to grow to the projects it has. We have learned to flex with the opportunity. The other challenge for a small manufacturing business like Setpoint is to keep the cash…
Financial Management is the Same Big or Small
An Industry Stuck in the Past
In each of these industries, modern equipment and processes as well as lean manufacturing techniques were employed to ensure the products being produced were of the most high quality and reliability.
Knowing When to Cross Train
Setpoint is a small business that is agile and can adjust as quickly as the management team can move. Everyone wears multiple hats, but in most job functions, we are only one layer deep. If…
Setpoint's Project Management Method Part 2
Traditional project management uses accounting that measures revenue earned by the percent complete based on costs. We believe this idea is flawed and Joe explains why.
Has Computer Aided Design (CAD) improved our lives?
We all remember how CAD would save the world and make our engineering lives more productive, error proof, and repeatable. CAD software is just one of many tools that we engineers use.